a chef working to prepare food and packaging are two functions of TKC Holdings Inc., the company that worked with DDI on selecting the right candidate for the job

Client Story

Selecting the Right Candidate for the Job at TKC Holdings Inc.

TKC Holdings Inc. built a development program to teach leaders essentials, like engaging their teams, building trust, and selecting the right candidate for the job.

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/ Resources / Client Stories / Selecting the Right Candidate for the Job at TKC Holdings Inc.

The Need

TKC Holdings needed to improve their talent retention rate, so they needed to train leaders to hire the right people. They also needed to build leadership skills to aid in engagement and retention.

The Solution

With a DDI leadership development license, TKC Holdings built a program to teach leaders essentials, like engaging their teams, building trust, and selecting the right candidate for the job.

The Result

The program improved retention rates of leaders across the company and helped them create a consistent system for interviewing, which allowed them to target the right people for the right role.  

TKC Holdings Inc. is a provider of food service, technology, and packaging for commissaries across the U.S. and its territories. When the company faced declining retention, they decided to approach the problem on two fronts. The first approach was to improve hiring managers’ interviewing skills, so they were selecting the right candidate for the job from the start. Secondly, the company needed to train managers in key leadership skills to help improve team engagement and overall culture.

They turned to DDI for help on both fronts. A DDI leadership development enterprise license gave HR leaders at TKC Holdings all the guidance and tools to build their leadership program. From courses on engaging their teams to building trust and interviewing well, leaders got the skills they needed most.

As a result, the company saw significantly better retention and much more consistency in their interviewing across the organization. And the best part? Leaders felt empowered to stay and grow within the company and take on higher-level challenges.

Learn about DDI's leadership development subscriptions