DDI’s U-SPARK! Grant Program

Make a Difference with Your Favorite Nonprofit Organization
Development Dimensions International® programs are designed to not only enhance organizational performance, but to enrich people's lives, communities, and the world.
At DDI, we believe that by imparting our leadership and interpersonal skills, we can support the missions of nonprofit organizations and make a real difference.
Better Leaders with U-SPARK!
U-SPARK! is a program that awards up to 50 grants each year to DDI-certified facilitators.
Facilitators can use DDI training materials with a nonprofit organization of their choice and we will supply the materials, free of charge.

Ready to Spark Change? Follow 5 Easy Steps
If you are a certified facilitator, here are five steps to get you started:
1. Check eligibility to participate in the program.
DDI is excited to offer our clients and facilitators the opportunity to help their communities and SPARK change in the world. First, understand if you are eligible to participate.
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2. Review the definitions of a charitable organization in your country.
Before completing your U-SPARK! grant application, please take a few minutes to read over the definitions of a charitable organization for your geographic location.
Definitions of Charitable Organizations
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3. Ask the nonprofit's permission for the follow-up story.
Get the consent form below completed by an authorized representative from the charitable organization and then submit via email to SPARKgrants@ddiworld.com.
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4. Fill out a grant application.
Please take a few minutes to complete the application form below and submit via email to SPARKgrants@ddiworld.com.
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5. Tell us your U-SPARK! story as well!
Please submit this form to us via email at SPARKgrants@ddiworld.com and include any photos/videos you are willing to share.
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